Thursday, June 27, 2013

[Tutorial] How to play GameBoy in your Android phone.

Do you have an old hand-held console like Gameboy, or Gameboy Color, or even Gameboy Advance? How about Nintendo DS? No? Only the old brick game? Well, I can't help you there, buddy. All I can say is that, you've missed a whole lot of portion of your childhood right there. Anyway, if you do have these old consoles, what would you do with the old games when the console itself is a little better than a scrap junk?

Good thing, is that due to the technological advancement nowadays, even our own phone have a limited capacity almost at par with a standard PC. Because there were console's emulator in the past, so a lot of people actually wondering if the emulator could be played over into our smartphones.

The answer is, yes. All thanks to those who instead of wondering, they did something to prove the theory otherwise.

Click on Read more to read the tutorial.

The thing is, maybe this is not actually a tutorial. But more of promoting the apps. Because there is nothing to 'teach' using the apps. Its use is so simple, just like the old emulator back in PC. All you got to do is Open and Play.

Oh right, what is the name of the apps? The apps is called Gameboid, and no, you won't find any in the Google Play store. Not even for free. You can however search for the apps using Google search engine (oh, the irony). The file format is suppose to be in APK so watch out for malicious program if it was in EXE. For Android apps installer package, the file format is always in APK.

I will not include the android-gameboy emulator here, you can search it for yourself. There are so much people uploaded the emulator, I just feel like.. oh, why do I even bother.

But if you are wondering the emulator capability, you can take my word that the apps is 5 for 5 star. It works perfectly. Except maybe for the cheat-code features. Ashamedly, I wasn't able to use any cheat code. But hey, if you still need to use cheat code for you gameboy game, then shame on you!

Here is the picture from my 'Fire Emblem' game. Yes, this emulator support all the old Gameboy game including the Color and Advance. For this picture, I use the Gameboid in my Samsung Galaxy SII. The emulator will automatically rotate depending on how you hold your smartphone. I haven't try it on a bigger screen like Galaxy Tab or Samsung Galaxy S4, but I'm pretty sure the picture resolution would be broken. SG SII does have the perfect screen size. Hohoho

So here is how the battle goes on. As you can see, same ol same ol like the old Gameboy Advance. Except of course the button would be on the screen. Well, its not like you actually paid any attention on that part of the screen anyway..

You could go for 'Potrait' screen orientation, but the for me it feels less like a Gameboy and more like a brick game. There is a picture for the provided menu too. Just like the old Gameboy emulator, you can do the quick save and load (who needs the cheat code when we can have these!) and of course, the Fast Forward.

Well, that is all for today.
Please do not ask me where to get the game ROMs because I don't know. I have these games in the cartridge still, but I decided to convert them and play in the android emulator so I would be able to enjoy them whenever and wherever I want (people give me funny look when I take out my old gameboy..).

But I will tell you this, if you know how to find the Gameboid, then you know where the source is.
That is all. 


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