[Movie] The Purge
I cannot believe I totally forgot about this movie. The Purge is a 2013 sci-fi thriller movie. Frankly, I didn't have much expectation on this film. Turns out the movie was actually pretty good. I remembered this movie all of the sudden after I was looking for something to watch after watching that torturous porn movie The Wolf of Wall Street.Why did I suddenly remembered this movie? This movie is among many movies that receives mixed critic, mostly negative, but end up being completely satisfying. I'm not kidding. This movie stay true to its plot and theme, it definitely worth to add into you marathon movie collection. I put this movie in Thriller section along with the Shutter Island and Memento movie.
The plot of the movie is about new America, in 2022, when the country is reborn anew thank to the New Founding Fathers of America where crimes have been legalized on one day annually. The only rules is that government officials ranking 10 and above cannot be harm while weapon class 4 and higher cannot be used. Police, fire station, hospital and all emergency services would be suspended, and everybody have to fend for themselves. Anyone who go against the rules would be executed. The idea of the Purge is to flush out the homeless, those who were considered as general burden to the society like a bunch of drug addicts or hippies or something. In other word its some sort of a general population control. For example, there are high rate of poverty and unemployment right? So you get to slaughter those poor and homeless bastards. Rate goes done. Easy smeasy. But is it, even practical?

Thus, we are brought to the family that lived through such time. The story revolves around Sandin family. They are in full support of the program, believing that the system works. Once in a year, when the day come, the American streets would run red with bad blood. And by the next morning, all of the repressed anger, dissent, envy, or even restricted love, would have been channeled out in one go. The Purge, the day that all crime would be legal, which includes theft, murder, and even rape. But to those who believe the system, they do not necessarily need to commit those crime just to show their support. They could just waited out the long day to pass. But to wait, means to survive.
So Sandin family, putting out blue Baptisia flower on their front lawn to show their support of the Purge. I didn't exactly get the significance of blue Baptisia flower, but Baptisia comes from the Greek word 'Bapto' which means 'to dye'. Maybe its a pun for 'to die', I think. Anyway, the Sandins support the Purge but doesn't actively participate. Means they are those few who prefer to wait out the day, because they didn't hold anyone any grudge. Probably because Mr. Sandin is a filthy rich home security salesman and her wife and kids quite content with their life. Or are they?
There isn't much shown of what America looks like if the Purge ever took place. But a small beautiful close-knit community would do the job. You see, throughout the movie, the objective of the Purge is being questioned over and over again. At first, Mr and Mrs Sandin seems happy with the way it is. While their eldest and only daughter are only there to provide sexual tension which her role isn't even worth mentioning. Its the Sandin's only son that become the center of the film theme. Charlie Sandin asked his father whether it looks normal, or even morally right with the scene before the Purge. With their next door neighbor can be seen sharpening what looks like a machete, Charlie said that the social problem aren't really being solved. The crime rate aren't really going down because the day the rate raises to its peak, the crime was legalized. Its like having 10,000 death by crime a year, but because 9,990 death happened during the Purge, thus only 10 death by crime a year that was accounted for.
Mr Sardin, who reaaally enjoyed the benefits from the Purge, because he sells home security system, and also he always got the best of his own product, the best home security, ensuring he and his family survival through the Purge. Thus he just waive away his son idealistic rambling, pfft. Kids, right? They think they know everything. Why they never be grateful for what they already have. Too bad, he didn't take account of the real thing, when the madness started to hit his own peaceful little community.
Due to the 'game rules' where weapon class 4 is forbidden, the home security system developer never thought of a situation where the place of the victim would be besieged but rather invent the system to keep intruders away. You know, things like steel walls and reinforced shutters, instead of a solid concrete bunker like back in the Cold Wars. So when someone comes with heavy hitters, you pretty much just as good as roll over and be dead. That is what going to happened to Sandin's family when a group of psychopath youth come to their house to fulfill their Purging duties.
Because this is a thriller movie, I wouldn't want spoil so much. But then again, you probably have watched the movie anyway. I was quite impressed, really. This movies literally took place in just one house. Mr Sardin was acted by Ethan Hawke, the guy in Before Midnight, no? What about Mrs Sandin, acted by Lena Headey who also stars in The Red Baron? In short, these are the actor and actress that I'm fond of. Yeah, I love Lena Headey as Käte Otersdorf in The Red Baron. All in all, the movie was incredibly good. Not exactly a blockbuster, but entertaining nonetheless. The movie was quite successful (they manage to gross out $89 million from a budget of only $3 million) I heard there would be a sequel, Purge 2, scheduled to be released in June 2014 which is this year.
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