March 14, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Where Hannah Minx have gone..?

Believe it or not, this is one the video she upload in Youtube.
Which she took it down an hour later.
Hannah Minx or her real name is Hannah Wagner, is a Youtube sensation. I think I wrote about her before, along with a list of popular Youtuber. She is born in Lexington Kentucky, in 31st October 1988. She went to live a while in Japan, studying in Sophia University.

If I am not mistaken, she first mentioned about Japan when she talks about the bicycle, where in Japan its common to see people riding bicycles and no one seem to lock or chained their bicycle because no one would steal it. So she said. She later proceeded to make videos uploaded in Youtube and created a trend of JWOW (Japanese Word for the Week). Her uploaded videos were supposed to be educational, where she would introduce new Japanese word or phrase or some kind...

Why am I writing about her again? Story has it that she have been missing. Some even speculated that she had died with unknown causes. But, could it be? She always updated her status in the twitter, mentioning everything she is doing or what she is going to do. So how could this speculation arises at all. I'm not exactly following her, I'm not even one of her subscribers. But then again, its pretty easy to know what she up to since she let everyone to know her status publicly.

Turns out her last message in the Twitter was six months ago. The same goes to her Facebook page. No wonder her fans is worried about her. Her most recent uploaded video is also from 6 months ago. But her latest post in Facebook is on October 2013, which actually 4 months ago. And then she went totally quiet with no news or video again. This is actually not something abnormal. 

Sometime things like this happen. I remember when another popular Youtuber, MeekaKitty won $100,000 from Youtube popularity contest and suddenly her videos become shittier and shittier, probably she got a bit busy and went to college. That was her motivation to win the Youtube competition, right? No, she didn't go to college? Nah, I'm sure she did. And in the end, her channel was moderated by someone else. And also, she claims to be an actress. So, yeah, stuff like that happened.

So where did Hannah Minx go?

Just in case you want to know her real body figures.
Right before she went missing (?) she updated a lot of status regarding SDCC (San Diego Comic Con). She went there and met a lot of people, like cosplayers, other Youtubers, and her fans. She even uploaded her pictures during her time in the SDCC. Totally normal, you guys! Nothing to worry about.

She is posing in front of the doll, cause, she a'doll'rable?
By now, your illusion should be shattered. No? Whatever.
She found another popular Youtubers.
The Syndicate Project and Reckless Tortuga.
Hmm.. seems like we all know where all of this would lead to..
Aha! She took the candy, and got into his van.
That solves everything!
Really? Nah, not really. Are you crazy? That is one of the Youtube staff, Comic Con staff? Wait.. who is that guy? Its not important. Her last status says that she is going for the NYCC (New York Comic Con) next. So she is probably still there. Wait, isn't NYCC is always on October? She should be home by now, yes? Probably. Probably she actually met someone or some opportunity arises. Her real name is Hannah Wagner, and if you search a bit deeper, you'll know that she is involves with a film production or some sort, where she take the role as Sadie. The movie was titled Slay Belles.

This is the closest picture that I can get. 

So don't worry, you worrywart. She is fine, and I'm sure she is not dead yet.
By the way, are you guys fluent in Japanese yet? 


  1. Did she actually goto NYCC 2013? I can't seem to find evidence that she did. I have been researching this mystery too for several days now. Her website is down and her youtube channel lost like 3 million views 4 months ago. I don't know what it really all means. I hope she is ok.

    1. I don't know for sure. But her Facebook status was updated on the day of NYCC, which in October, and she said she was on her way there. Also she was listed as one of the actress in 2014 post production film called Slay Belles. Maybe she in busy with the film right now.

    2. That's my point, she tweeted and facebook updated saying she will be at NYCC 2013 but I am pretty sure she didn't go. I can't find anything except for a chanceTV interview which was actually from 2012 NYCC but mislabeled as 2013. There is tons of stuff from NYCC 2012 but nothing from NYCC2013. Her tweet is on the last day of the NYCC, So I assume it was some emergency or at least some unforeseen event that kept her from going.

      As to the movie, it is in post production, so I doubt they are still filming. The director, (who I assume would be most busy with post production work) Spooky Dan Walker is still active and posting is tweeter and facebook. He facebook entry says it is wrapping up filming May 2013. So I don't really think it is movie related.

      It has to be something personal.

  2. I'm not sure if this is her but should watch

    1. Can't be her. She sent the tweet about CC on October 13th. The accident happened in Sept.

  3. That isn't her. I found that girl at

  4. I am so worried about her. My worst fear is that she was abducted and is now a sex slave trapped in a hellish nightmare she'll never get out of. Easy to do in NYC because it' s shoulder to shoulder people everywhere. Please Hannah let us know your OK.

    1. She is OK. She is acting in post production film called Slay Belles directed by urm.. SpookyDan. Actually his name is Dan Walker, and I'm sure he is a great guy. Btw the film is scheduled to come out on November 2014.

    2. She's fine. Spooky is one of the greatest guys in Hollywood and he made a great film with Hannah. She decided to take some time off to focus on family after Slay Belles wrapped. She has a little one, now.

  5. Regardless if she's busy with a movie, or pregnant like her IMDB message board says, you don't just vanish like that after being so prominent online. It's not like it takes a few secs to post 1 little tweet stating you are well and will be back or something, seems a really bitch thing to do or something bad happened, one of the 2.

  6. is 2015 now, any news on her? if she dropped youtube for a career in acting shouldn't she create a new alias? anyone involved in the marketing of the movie should have been interested in her follower count...

    1. I have read/watched some more recent videos/blogposts on this and it seems she is still missing and that so called movie she was supposed to be in has been in post production for years.I honestly doubt it has anything to do with her disappearance. I didn't even watch her videos when she made them and i'm still concerned. Do any of her friends/family members know where she is/aware she is missing ????

    2. Bro she's alive and in the "behind the scenes" photos on


  8. From the information I was able to find, she got married May 2014 to Steve Fox Osterhagen, lucky guy I know, and now has 1 kid to take care of. The rumor is is that the man she married is rich so she doesn't need to depend on the youtube funds but I don't completely buy that. Still no 100% confirmed information of what happened to her but yes I miss her too.

  9. Any news about her? This married thing seems really fake.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 2019... And still no freaking sign of her...

    Seriously, if she disappeared by choice and haven't said a word so far... I don't even know what to call it. I just hope she's alive and healthy. Happy would be a good bonus too.


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