March 13, 2025
Friday, August 30, 2013

Breaking news!! Someone is on hot sexual marathon!!

I read this on every major news stream out there, about a Polish women who planned to travel all over the world AND having sex with 100,000 men. Whoah. That is alot of number. If she had, like, sex with a man for every 20 minutes, it will take her approximately 4 years to reach that number. And that, if she do it non stop. If she do in like 5 men in a day, it will take her about 55 years to reach that number. And that, is still if she do it non-stop everyday.

Her name is Ania Lisewska  from Poland, and she is 21 years old, and she started her quest since last month. She is now at the count of 394 men. Yes, she keeps count of many sex she had done. She also keeps up-to-date her website and even her Facebook profile.

Click on read more, if you wanted to more detail. It just that I don't err, her sexual adventure to appear on my front page. So, urmm.. spoiler alert? I guess..

She had told the local paper called Austrian Times, and this is her exact words, translated of course, she said, "I want men from Poland, Europe, and all around the world. I love sex, fun, and men." She also said, "In Poland the subject of sex is still taboo and anyone who wants to fulfill their sexual fantasies is considered a deviant, a whore, or mentally ill."

Well, I don't know how to respond to that. But, yeah,  most countries actually have taboo on sexual issue simply because there are lines that are not meant to be crossed. Even in Netherlands, a Europe country that have capital city of weed, Amsterdam, legalized both weeds and prostitution, still imposed a few restriction on their sexual trades. Not everyone's fantasy can be fulfilled and some would be too heinous to be fulfilled, such as desiring to have intercourse with underage girl/boy or bestiality. That would be, too inhumane.

However, it is understandable that a woman like her, at the age like that, she is full of.. urmm womanly hormone, I guess. Where she can get really excited about her sexual experience, and- wait a minute, didn't she said she wanted to travel all over the world? How could she do that at the age of 21 years old, unless she got a large inheritance or rich family? Oh right, she actually got sponsored by, which the website is under construction right now. Yup, not suspicious at all.

You know what, she have her own website. She updated her status and even have a counter to count her sexual intercourse with each and every man. She currently is in Mexico, and she have been urmm.. 'fulfilling her sexual fantasies' all the way to Mexico from Poland. I'll give you all her website, and you can check her out yourselves. In fact, you can actually, you know, ask her to be one of her fuck buddy. Her boyfriend is totally cool with it (yes, she have a boyfriend already). Her website is 

You guys could try to contact and connect with her if you wanted, but urmm I will not be joining her or you guys however. Its not that I don't trust this whole sex escapades, but hmmm how should I say this. Maybe I should put her whole picture here and let you guys be the judge for it. You know what they say, a picture can paints a thousand words.

This is her, ready to rock you world!!
Don't forget to do some shots.. make that a few bottle of vodka.
Also, don't break your hips.
If it hurts, you'll die.


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