March 14, 2025
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

[TV Series] RM Episode 188

Running Man episode 188 takes to the Australian continent this time. After they got themselves soaked wet in the previous episode crossing the Han river, this time they are going to get even more than just soaked. Yes, in Australia, country of wildlife, home to the Great Barrier Reef, obviously it wouldn't be enough the Running Man would be running around in a building only. No! The mother nature is calling for them all... Yes! And the guests for this episode would be Jung-Ji-hoon (also commonly known for his stage name as 'Rain') and Kim Woo-bin. You know what else that makes this episode to be exciting? Ji-hyo won't be around. That right, there can only be one meaning. The Running Man will have the run of their life. The teams were split right at the beginning of the show, 2 persons per team. Kwang-soo and Rain, Jae-suk and Woo-bin, Haha and Jong-kook, and Gary is with Suk-jin hyung.

The main game would be 'Finding the Four Elements'. After they are split into groups, they were given a bunch of card to choose that would decide their element, individually. But they won't know what they choose, and to know what their or other member's element, they would need to win the subsequent game that will follow. We all know where this would lead to, tag-ripping game at the end. But oh not today, today is reserved for finding the hints for the elements. So lets get moving!

For starter, all of the Running Man members and guests gather near the Marina Center at Seoul, and travel together to Australia by plane. They were given warm welcome by the Australians, it was quite a scene at the Brisbane Airport, Australia. A lot of people cheering for them. It is quite a coincidence, I think, when Kwang-soo met an Australian tourist in episode 185 and said that he loves Australia.
Well, now he is here. And he about to get the chance of sight-seeing Australia for real. From Brisbane Airport, they traveled to the Tangalooma, west side of Moreton Island. They go there as quickly as they have arrive. From the looks of the map, that was quite a distance. And I have the feeling they won't just goofing around in one place.

Especially when they travel to Tangalooma using helicopters. It appears that they are rushing. Right, they only do the filming for 2 days and Australia is a huge country. So they probably got a very very tight schedule. There are 4 helicopters, and they are moving on as soon as they got aboard on their aircraft.

Their first adventure on Australia, would be at the Tangalooma's ship wrecks area. The game is simple, dive and retrieve the treasure. Usually, shipwreck is dangerous because you know, who know what sea creature would be dwelling in that wreck. Wreckage like this usually provides protection and breeding ground for fishes and sea plants. And where there is so much sea life in one area, there must be a predator, namely sharks or barracuda. But, there is none here. Not that there is no shark in Australia. But this shipwreck is a tourist spot popular for shipwreck diving. I'm sure they take precautions for the tourist that comes there.

The treasures have been hidden among the wreckage. The depth is not that deep. I think its about 10-15 meters deep. The treasure chest is marked with the bright 'R' symbols. And just to make things interesting, the keys are scattered on the sea floor. Multiple fake keys with 1 real key, just for the novelty. Hahaha
At first, the Running Man felt a bit nervous. Sports water can be very danger if safety precaution are not taken. And in Australia, that danger could be hundredfold more. From poisonous sea life form to cramp legs that can lead to drowning, and many more. But these are the Running Man, they have been through this even in their sleep(?). So they just clenched their teeth, and have some fun. Jae-suk teased Gwang-soo so much, they become a bickering sea cucumber and sea anemone.
And of course Suk-jin hyung would be complaining. He said he was a former Navy, but never chooses to do diving. That weird, in the Navy, can you really choose whatever that you want to? Of course Suk-jin hyung just saying, to prepare Gary for what to come. Suk-jin hyung's stamina is notoriously known to be lacking. So Gary would have to take care of Suk-jin hyung for the day. But he still got into the waters and enjoy himself. Go hyung!

You know what, its funny to see them diving over and over again trying unlock those chests. Haha even bumped his head on of the shipwreck beam while diving. There was platform by the shipwreck that they use to sit and rest while to dive again. Why didn't they just, pick the chest up to the platform or the shores? Even if the keys were scattered, but it was linked with one big ring, and only 1 is the real key. Wouldn't be easier to do that? Well, where is the fun in that, yes?

For the treasure hunt game, Rain and Kwang-soo finishes first. So they get to ask two question to determine what is their elements. After that, they went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. The sanctuary is renown for its feeding of the largest flocks of the wild flying Rainbow Lorikeet bird. The sanctuary also houses some other animals such as the Tasmanian Devils, Koala bears and kangaroos. Again, they traveled using the helicopters.
The sanctuary is quite a scene. Its also known for having the largest walk-through aviary in the southern hemisphere of Earth. It also houses one of the largest collection of Australian native animals in the world. Hmmm.. around the shipwreck in the sea, I can understand that they would be swimming and diving. What kind of activity they could possibly do in a wildlife sanctuary center?
Of course they would be jumping. How can I not see that. Its Australia, the kangaroo kingdom. So first game they would have is the high jump. They need to reach the combined height of 3 meters, so each member can averagely jump at 1.5 meters height.
While wearing the kangaroo costumes. Of course. Complete with a pouch and a baby kangaroo doll inside the pouch. At first, the jumping is hard to perform due to the pouch leaning forward of their stomach.
But they can handle that, Rain and Kwang-soo tried to duct taped their stomach pouch and tail, but Jae-suk hyung and Woo-bin just go over the obstacle with style. No biggie at all. He even danced in that costume.
The next event is feeding the kangaroos and then identify the right koala. At the end, Jae-suk hyung and Woo-bin won the race because they finishes first. Right behind them is Kwang-soo and Rain, wow, they really active. Not mention Rain is almost the same height as Kwang-soo, its like 2 friends hanging around and playing.
The final game would be buying the groceries. Its not really a competition, but well, when it come to making dinner its hard not to not making a game out of it. Why? Cause somebody have to cook, and clean the dishes, yes? So the next game is whichever team that can buy the groceries the quickest, will be exempted from doing the chores. There are 2 spot of exemption, so 2 quickest team will win. It was not easy though, the grocery list is in English. So even something easy like beef would sound different to them.

Again, Kwang-soo and Rain got the first place. First, they won't do the chores. They also got the first chance of choosing their new member. Yes, that very night, they will be shuffling the whole team if they chooses to. Second place is Suk-jin hyung and Gary.
Oh yes, by the way, their accommodation would be at the Palm Beach resort. Its a villa, very beautiful. Right next to a beach, but have an indoor pool. Before they all got to their room, they changed their partner, where Rain chooses Jong-kook, Kwang-soo chooses Woo-bin, Gary with Haha, and Suk-jin hyung is left with Jae-suk hyung. Or, should I say Jae-suk hyung have no choice. Lol

Later that night, while preparing dinner, Haha and Kwang-soo got mischievous and planning to tease Suk-jin hyung. Along the process, they recruited Woo-bin, together they throw Suk-jin hyung into the indoor pool. Jong-kook appeared and asked what happened, why is Suk-jin hyung playing in water at that hour? The mischievous trio took the chance to push Jong-kook into the pool as well.

Jong-kook becomes furious because he was in his sleeping cloth already, so he and Suk-jin hyung grab Kwang-soo and Haha and push them into the pool as well. Funnily, Jae-suk hyung who was watching at the side also got thrown into the pool by Jong-kook. Jae-suk hyung then take his revenge by pulling Haha's hair and kicking Kwang-soo into the pool, again.

In the end, all of them got soaked wet. Gary who had just come out already taken his bath, also got thrown into the pool. Woo-bin too get his fair share in the pool, and what is left is only Rain. They catch him because, well, why the hell not? One Running Man got soaked wet, then all of them must in. Its the only logical thing to do. And whole thing ended with a pool party.

Truthfully, this is one of the exciting episode of Running Man. So many games, and the Running Man are so active. Its funny when Kwang-soo was paired with Rain. Rain knows Kwang-soo's reputation as the betrayal icon, and told Kwang-soo that he hates traitor. Kwang-soo assures Rain that he won't betray Rain, while sneakily try undermine Rain while getting the element hints. It was hilarious, cause Rain is also doing the same thing. It somehow reminds of Hyo-jin. She also had that kind of exchange with Kwang-soo. It was so funny. Ah.. I enjoyed this episode very much.


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