March 13, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2014

[Tutorial] Free VPN for high speed surfing

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure yet whether its legal to urm.. you know post about VPN that allows you high speed unlimited bandwidth that would surpass your broadband cap. Its some sort of a grey area where you kind of agree with your internet service provider to be capped by certain limit, but then VPN services is like a third party services that help boost your internet speed that doesn't directly violates your agreement, but then again, you are connected to your ISP's internet gateway. Its a slippery slope, right there.  The thing is that, by boosting your own internet speed over you capped limit, will put a strain to you ISP gateway. High speed for you, lower speed for the rest of the subscribers out there. Although, your ISP doesn't exactly keep true to their words to the subscribers even when you abide their policies. Its not uncommon to hear other subscribers to complain the internet line is so slow, the pages that they wanted to access ended up being timed-out, wasting those what little precious bandwidth that they have left with.

So, I decided to start with a VPN that specialize on surfing. And by surfing, I mean no P2P. What is P2P u ask? You know what it is, those Torrent, Kazaa, Shareaza, and etc. Out of 10 tips and trick that I got to improve or boost internet speed, I am certain that 9 of it already either outdated or blocked out. VPN is only but one way to improve your internet speed. It seems nowadays, you need to choose between surfing smoothly or download like crazy. Let us start with surfing first. Don't worry, the VPN that I'm writing about is free.

Introducing, the VPNBook. VPNBook is a free VPN service that will help you to surf securely, anonymously, with smooth surfing experience. I also have other ulterior motive for choosing VPNBook for this tutorial. You see, VPNBook utilizes the usage of OpenVPN client. In case you not familiar with that, OpenVPN is an open source virtual private network client that allows its user to set up and configure their own personal setting.

The reason I'm showing you guys VPNBook is because they will teach you how to set up the OpenVPN, using their own tunnel, for free. Hence, giving you the opportunity to play around with the settings without have to set up your own tunnel server first. Once you get the hang of it, you could set up either your own dedicated private tunnel or you could *ehem* change from VPN to another to get best free high speed VPN. Be mindful that if you do that, you'll do it on your own risk. Free VPN always known to have the risk of logging, means they pick up on your internet activity. Be sure to read their term and policy before you jump from one service to another.

As you can see from the picture, VPNBook provide free VPN services. But you should notice that they mentioned in red color that its optimized for web surfing and does not support P2P download. That means you won't be able to torrent yourself some good stuff. But doesn't matter. Once you get the hang of urm.. configuring the VPN, you would be able to use P2P download anyway. Its a matter of port forwarding, opening port slot, stuff like. But if you found to much of a hassle to learn configuring this thing, VPNBook have started to offer dedicated VPN server to their subscribers for a price of $7.95 per with 500GB dedicated bandwidth per month and supports P2P, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and online gaming.

I like how VPNBook put up quite a detail tutorial to setup the VPN client using the OpenVPN including on iPad and Android (that would be your tablet and smartphone). Not that the other VPN services doesn't do the same. But because the let user to use their tunnel , on multiple servers, for free, so you get to test out which one would gives you the best speed (the servers are on different country) allowing you to gauge the best tunnel to urmm.. grab. Not to mention you don't have to download their self-made client (they use OpenVPN the open source client) so you doesn't have to register with them or anything. But you would still need the OpenVPN client and register to their free community (free-open-source kind of community. Lol).

Due to the fact that they operating mainly on donation and advertisement, they changed and updated their password on regular basis to ensure they got the traffic and maintain flow of audience. So you would need to follow them on their twitter. You probably thinking, eh what with all the tiresome thing to do? Why don't use proxy like everyone else? Well, if you want to use their services continuously then you are more than welcome to do so. In fact, donate a few buck here and there so they would remain active. But then again, you must understand that OpenVPN client can also be used to configure for proxy connection and set up multiple VPN connection (you gotta love open source things). That's the thing. Once you know your way around with OpenVPN, you are pretty much set with multiple choices of high speed connection based on you usage. Then you might be able to join in the OpenVPN community and started to get the sense out of the what-looks-like-gibberish-thingy that is actually the source code shared with everyone.

Ipv6, ipv4? m4, src?  What the hell is all these things?
How do I use them??!!  
So keep calm, and start slow. You'll get the hang of it. Once you do, then we'll get to the next part we will bypass that stinking broadband bandwidth cap.



  1. Nice tutorial about free high speed VPN connection.
    Great info.Many thanks for your job.


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